Aya Katz commented on the post, The Letter That Tried to Scuttle the Baratarians’ Pardon 9 years, 2 months ago
Excellent article! I think that there are two points that Poindexter entirely missed: 1) the Barararians were not pirates and 2) they could not have been allowed to serve in the Battle of New Orleans had the […]
Aya Katz commented on the post, The Last Battle of Chalmette 9 years, 11 months ago
This was a very enjoyable read, giving a glimpse into the politics of the day. I found it especially amusing that Story felt that anyone opposing his plan might be an “alien-hearted American.” Did he perhaps mean […]
Aya Katz commented on the post, Eyewitness Report of Jean Laffite at Chalmette Battlefield 10 years ago
I’m glad you found this proof from a contemporary who was there. It should take care of any doubts anyone may have entertained during the current spate of revisionism. It also fits in with what the Journal of Jean […]
Aya Katz commented on the post, Andrew Jackson’s Fine and the Place of Martial Law in American Politics 10 years, 1 month ago
That’s an interesting observation. So from the standpoint of a disinformation campaign it worked.
Aya Katz commented on the post, Andrew Jackson’s Fine and the Place of Martial Law in American Politics 10 years, 1 month ago
Thanks, Pam, for providing the extra information of why it was that the entry of spies into the city could not be prevented by the imposition of martial law. The flints and powder provided by the Laffites were […]
Aya Katz commented on the post, The Aurora Editor Snipes at Britain, Post War of 1812 10 years, 2 months ago
This is quite interesting. The phrasing “the savage, who had never known the restraints of civilized life. and the pirate, who had broken the bonds of society, were alike the subjects of British conciliation” […]
Aya Katz commented on the post, Jean Laffite and the Treaty of Ghent — Satirical Editorial of 1814 10 years, 3 months ago
This is very interesting, indeed! Does this mean that the general terms of the Treaty of Ghent were already known to the editors of the Aurora in November 1814, when it was only just signed December 24, 1814? In […]
Aya Katz commented on the post, The First Battle of New Orleans Poem 10 years, 3 months ago
It is a grand poem, but no mention of the Baratarians and Laffite?
Aya Katz wrote a new post, Governor Joseph Alston’s Record in the War of 1812 10 years, 5 months ago
Joseph Alston was born in 1779 to a wealthy family in South Carolina. He attended the College of New Jersey, which was later renamed Princeton, but he never graduated. He studied law and was admitted to […]
Aya Katz commented on the post, Commemoration of a Hero: Jean Laffite and the Battle of New Orleans 10 years, 9 months ago
Why anyone like Pickles would have a motive to discredit Jean Laffite is beyond me, unless it is to make a name for himself as a historical revisionist. Unfortunately, in the past it was not the British, but […]
Aya Katz commented on the post, The Meaning of Treason: United States v. Aaron Burr 10 years, 9 months ago
Yes, it is easy to get confused about what treason actually consists of, Pam, because everyone seems to have some preconceived notions of what it ought to be, many of which are like the English common law […]
Aya Katz wrote a new post, Resisting the Japanese: The Rival Chinese Resistance Movements in WWII 10 years, 11 months ago
The Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1941) merged into the Second World War following the attack on Pearl Harbor. After that, historians refer to the continued war in China against Japan as part of the Pacific […]
Aya Katz wrote a new post, Jean Laffite as a Father 11 years, 6 months ago
According to The Journal of Jean Laffite, the famed privateer was the father of five children. He was married when he was seventeen to Christina Levine who bore him two sons and a daughter in close succession: […]
Aya Katz wrote a new post, Aaron Burr as a Father 11 years, 6 months ago
People do not usually remember Aaron Burr as a father. They remember perhaps that he was the third vice president of the United States. They remember, if anything, that he killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel. They […]
Aya Katz wrote a new post, The Courtship of Theodosia Bartow Prevost and Aaron Burr 11 years, 6 months ago
She was the posthumous only child of Theodosius Bartow and Anne Stillwell Bartow. Named after her father, she bequeathed her given name, which she got from a father she never met, to a daughter that she left […]
Aya Katz wrote a new post, The Journal of Esther Edwards Burr 11 years, 7 months ago
She was the daughter of the famous theologian, Jonathan Edwards, and the wife of the second President of Princeton University, but Esther Edwards Burr is best known today as the mother of Aaron Burr, Jr., the t […]
Aya Katz wrote a new post, Jean Laffite and the Laflin Connection 11 years, 8 months ago
Although the “Journal of Jean Laffite” was introduced to the public by John Andrechyne Laflin, a person with a shady past and a reputation as a forger, we cannot entirely discount his claim that there was some […]
Aya Katz wrote a new post, The Scrapbook of Jean Laffite 11 years, 8 months ago
“The Journal of Jean Laffite” is a historical manuscript that surfaced in 1948 when John Andrechyne Laflin presented it to the Missouri Historical Society. He claimed that it was a journal kept by Jean Laffite […]
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